Class: | |
This example shows how to get the reports available for a specific appraisal
and how to download their content.
As in the previous examples, we use the link to the company and the appraisal to obtain both resources through a GET call:
Link companyLink = root.getLinks().getCompanies().build(companyId);
Company company = service.get(Company.class, companyLink);
Link appraisalLink = company.getLinks().getAppraisals().build("" + appraisalId);
Appraisal appraisal = service.get(Appraisal.class, appraisalLink);
Following the appraisal's
reports link we get all the reports available to it:
ReportsCollection collection = service.get(ReportsCollection.class, appraisal.getLinks().getReports());
List<Report> reports = collection.getEmbedded().getReports();
For a feedback appraisal we get this result:
ID Description Mimetypes
--------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
survey-list Survey list text/csv,application/
feedback-reports Individual reports for feedback appra... application/json
feedback-results Individual results list for feedback ... text/csv,application/
feedback-results-jobs Results by jobs for feedback appraisal text/csv,application/
feedback-results-gender Results by gender for feedback appraisal text/csv,application/
feedback-results-age Results by age for feedback appraisal text/csv,application/
feedback-results-antiquity Results by seniority ranges for feedb... text/csv,application/
feedback-detail Individual results detailed by indica... text/csv,application/
feedback-group-detail Individual results detailed by indica... text/csv,application/
feedback-action-plan Action plan objectives list for each ... text/csv,application/
Each report contains an ID, a description of what the report contains, and the content types
that are supported to download.
For example, the second report, with ID
can be download at both
CSV and includes the list of individual results for a feedback appraisal.
The following code snippet downloads the report in Excel and saves it to a file:
Report report = collection.getEmbedded().findReport("feedback-results");
InputStream in = service.get(InputStream.class, report.getLinks().getSelf(),
try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputDir, "feedback-results.xls"))) {
saveToFile(in, fout);
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "error saving file", ex);
Alternatively we could have created the link manually using the report ID.
In this example the URI to the report would be (replacing 'companyId' and 'appraisalId' with their corresponding IDs):