Class | Description |
Administrator |
HRider user with Administrator role.
AdministratorEmbedded | |
AdministratorLinks | |
AdministratorsCollection |
Collection of administrators.
AdministratorsCollectionEmbedded | |
AdministratorsCollectionLinks | |
AdministratorSummary |
Summary of Administrator.
Appraisal |
An appraisal.
Appraisal.Box |
Each box of an N-Box.
Appraisal.FeedbackInfo |
Specific data for feedback appraisals.
Appraisal.NBoxInfo |
Specific data for N-Box appraisals.
Appraisal.WorkEnvironmentInfo |
Specific data for work environemnt appraisals.
AppraisalEmbedded | |
AppraisalLinks | |
AppraisalsCollection |
Collection of appraisals.
AppraisalsCollectionEmbedded | |
AppraisalsCollectionLinks | |
AppraisalStatistics |
Statistics about appraisal.
AppraisalSummary |
Summary of Appraisal.
CollectionLinks |
Base class for collection links contained the 'next' and 'previous' navigating links.
CompaniesCollection |
Collection of companies.
CompaniesCollectionEmbedded | |
CompaniesCollectionLinks | |
Company |
Each of the companies in a Premium Account.
CompanyEmbedded | |
CompanyLinks | |
CompanySummary |
Summary of a company.
Department |
A company department.
DepartmentCollectionLinks | |
DepartmentEmbedded | |
DepartmentLinks | |
DepartmentsCollection |
Collection of departments.
DepartmentsCollectionEmbedded | |
DepartmentSummary |
Summary of Department.
Embedded |
In the HAL (Hypertext Application Language) the 'embeddeed' part of a message
contains other entities related to the entity this message represents.
Employee |
EmployeeEmbedded | |
EmployeeLinks | |
EmployeesCollection |
Collection of employees.
EmployeesCollectionEmbedded | |
EmployeesCollectionLinks | |
EmployeeSummary |
Summary of employee.
FeedbackReport |
Personal feedback report for an employee in an appraisal.
FeedbackReportEmbedded | |
FeedbackReportLinks | |
FeedbackReportsCollection |
A collection of feedback reports.
FeedbackReportsCollectionEmbedded | |
FeedbackReportsCollectionLinks | |
File |
Describes a file with its properties (does not include content).
FileEmbedded | |
FileLinks | |
FilesCollection |
Collection of files.
FilesCollectionEmbedded | |
FilesCollectionLinks | |
FileSummary |
Summary of a file.
Invitation |
Each of the invitations to participate on an appraisal as evaluator.
InvitationEmbedded | |
InvitationLinks | |
InvitationsCollection |
A collection of invitations.
InvitationsCollectionEmbedded | |
InvitationsCollectionLinks | |
Link |
A link to another resource.
Links |
In the HAL (Hypertext Application Language) the 'links' part of a message
contains links to other entities related to the entity this message represents.
Position |
A job position.
PositionEmbedded | |
PositionLinks | |
PositionsCollection |
Collection of positions.
PositionsCollectionEmbedded | |
PositionsCollectionLinks | |
PositionSummary |
Summary of a position.
Report |
A report gives information about its content and mime types supported.
ReportEmbedded | |
ReportLinks | |
ReportsCollection |
A collection of reports.
ReportsCollectionEmbedded | |
ReportsCollectionLinks | |
Resource<T extends Embedded,K extends Links> |
Base class to all the resources returned by the Restful HRider API.
Root |
The root resource for the restful HRider API.
RootEmbedded | |
RootLinks |
Enum | Description |
Appraisal.LinkTypes | |
AppraisalState |
State of an appraisal.
AppraisalType |
Each of appraisal types.
CompanyState |
States of a company.
FilesCollection.EmbeddedTypes | |
Gender |
Invitation.EmailStatus | |
Invitation.State | |
Language |
Availables languages for a company.