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Here you can find some examples of how to quickly start using the API from Curl and Java.

› Get the main anchor point

curl -i -X GET '' -H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey'

› Get all companies of the account.

curl -i -X GET '' -H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey'

› Get the data of the company with the ID 12345

curl -i -X GET '' -H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey'

› Create a new company

curl -i -X POST '' \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey' \
	--data-binary @companyData.json
The companyData.json file contains the data of the company to create. For example:

    "address":"Atlantic Sea 17", 

› Obtain the employees list of the company with ID 12345, from 20 to 20 employees per page

curl -i -X GET '' \
	-H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey'

› Assign to an administrator 2 companies with the IDs 123 and 456

curl -L -i -k -X PUT 'https://localhost:9191/api/api/v1/administrators/6562/companies' \
        -H 'Content-Type: text/uri-list' \
        --data-binary '@companies.uris' \
	-H 'authorization: bearer oC0aGOzvwLSHJaDQ5kJv2bavrtmjkkYRAnb8BVoN'

The companies.uris file is a text file with the content type text/uri-list, that includes an URI per line with each one of the companies that we want to assign to the administrator:

If needed, the system also accepts abbreviated URIs of the type:


› Create an employee

curl -i -X POST '' \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey' \
	--data-binary @employeeData.json
The employeeData.json file contains the data of the employee to create. For example:

    "address": "47 W 17TH ST, NEW YORK",
    "birthDate": "1990-02-17T00:00Z",
    "city": "NEW YORK",
    "code": "EMP001",
    "country": "USA",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "externalId": "123",
    "firstName": "JOHN",
    "gender": "male",
    "hireDate": "2014-07-27T00:00Z",
    "lastName": "OWEN",
    "nationalId": "11111111R"    

› Set the photo of an employee

curl -i -X POST '' \
	-H 'authorization: bearer oC0aGOzvwLSHJaDQ5kJv2bavrtmjkkYRAnb8BVoN' \
	-F 'data=@./files/photo.png' /dev/stdout

› Get an employee

curl -i -X GET '' \
        -H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey'                        

› Assign a job position to an employee. Being 567 the ID of the job, and 1234 the ID of the employee

curl -i -X PUT '' \
        -H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey' \
        -d ''

› Assign subordinates to an employee. Being 111 and 222 the IDs of the subordinates

curl -i -X PUT '' \
        -H 'authorization: yourAuthAPIKey' \
	--data-binary @subordinatesData.txt
The subordinatesData.json file contains the URIs of the employees to set as subordinates:

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