Use Case: CRUD Employees

Example of how to create, update and delete employees. After creating them, we will update one of them to see that the changes have been saved by printing a list of the employees before and after.

As in the previous use case, create an instance of HRiderService 'service' that will perform all the code for the request and answers with our Jersey client. After creating a fictional company 'company', create thee employees:

Link employeesLink = company.getLinks().getEmployees();
Employee emp1 = service.create(employeesLink, buildEmployee("EMP1", "Employee 1", "[email protected]"));
Employee emp2 = service.create(employeesLink, buildEmployee("EMP2", "Employee 2", "[email protected]"));
Employee emp3 = service.create(employeesLink, buildEmployee("EMP3", "Employee 3", "[email protected]"));        

To update an employee, we modify their attributes and perform a PUT to their link. In this case, we can take advantage from the self-link that all the resources have to change the employee code to 'NEW':

service.put(emp1.getLinks().getSelf(), emp1);

To confirm that the changes have been saved, obtain all the employees and print them. To get the employees perform a GET request to the link 'employees' of the compny:

EmployeesCollection collection = service.get(EmployeesCollection.class, 

The obtained result is the expected: the code 'Employee' has been replaced for 'NEW':
ID                  Code      Email               Name                
------------------- --------- ------------------  ------------------  
184908605578806810  NEW       [email protected]       EMPLOYEE 1          
184908605705684507  EMP2      [email protected]       EMPLOYEE 2          
184908605795862044  EMP3      [email protected]       EMPLOYEE 3          

Now delete EMPLOYEE1 and print the employees again:
collection = service.get(EmployeesCollection.class, company.getLinks().getEmployees());

The obtained result is the expected: the employee with 'NEW' code does not appear:
ID                  Code      Email               Name                
------------------- --------- ------------------  ------------------  
184908605705684507  EMP2      [email protected]       EMPLOYEE 2          
184908605795862044  EMP3      [email protected]       EMPLOYEE 3